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Thursday, August 12, 2010

We're Just Friends

I LOVE LOVE LOVE move in week!!!! So many new faces and friends. Reunions with old friends who you haven't seen all summer! GAH!!!!!! IT IS A PURE ADRENALINE RUSH!!!!!!! and yet draining....i am fighting sleep as i type this! My room is great! Small but cozy I love it and it is so artsy...i am going to get so much done this year i think.

I have made a list of rules to follow this year:

1) Write daily for the hell of writing
2) Exercise at least twice a week
3) Keep up with my studies
4) Make sure i don't negelect my friends
5) Make sure i maintain a job this year
6) Stay Positive
7) Smile more

Those are the basics...lots has changed for me over the summer. I am puttin a new perspective on my life. So if you are reading this please be a doll and try and hold me to it... After all we are friends!

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