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Monday, November 9, 2009

The Riddle

WHY ARE SOME GUYS TOTAL DOUCHES! I am sick and tired of my friends getting hurt. Especially Robin. She deserves ten times better than what she is delt! I love her to death and hate what guys do to her. Especially the last guy! He treated her so nice at first then he did some really and i mean REALLY SHITTY THINGS TO HER! some things it took me a while to forgive him for...but Robin finally made me see his good side and she was happy so i was happy.....and lately they have been really cute! And she really liked him. Well he is a douche and i am livid at him and i think i am done forgiving him because this isn't the first time he has hurt one of my friends and i am done with it! ROBIN YOU ARE LOVED AND DON"T LET HIM THINK OTHER WISE! H*UGS AND KISSES TO YOU!

Monday, November 2, 2009

I've Got Rhythm

OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!TODAY HAS BEEN THE BEST DAY OF MY COLLEGE CAREER YET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So today i got cast in my first Mainstage production at CSU.......CRAZY FOR YOU! For those who don't know i did this same show in 2007....i am so excited to be doing it again. However this time i am an Understudy for all the cowboys so my work load is larger cause i must know all their lines and harmonies....shit right? Well today i also found out i have to know all the male parts incase on of the other understudies gets sick as well so i must know the entire show backwards and forewards....ahem! well today i decided if all else fails i will be able to write my dissertation on Crazy For You when i graduate! :) I am so pumped people!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

One Short Day

So last Thursday was my Birthday! I am now 20 and a week old! I am old...just admit it, I know it is the truth. I had the best birthday ever this year. I pretty much had a week long celebration....everything went the way it should. My actual B-day was spent with friends and family. My parents came down for the night and took me and about 12 friends to Buffalo Wild Wings for dinner (I just finished the left over wings two nights ago...Yum!) It was perfection i got to spend it with my besties of my life! The pictures taken were numerous. After dinner and cake (provided by my Mom's co-worker...another YUM!) me and my friends went and caused mayhem at the local Toys R Us. Glorious, I know! Then we all went back to my dorm and watched Frankenstein and the Bride of part of my month long celebration of Monster Movie Marathon (This weekend it is Hocus Pocus, Carrie, The Blair Witch project and more!) Well that was my actual birthday...the following day was spent shopping with my friend Kelly. So much fun and My halloween costume is now complete thanks to this trip. It was fun and i had Sushi that night too which was delicious....!!!!!! The best part of the weekend madness was Saturday...if you are standing while reading this...SIT DOWN!!!! So me and my friend Jamie Packed our backs friday night and at 9 AM Saturday morning we started the long trek to Charlotte, NC. Why you ask? Well we had the idea a few weeks back to go to this concert entitled the Gravediggers ball...why again you ask? Well because ....get ready for it.....the backstreet Boys were perfoming. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT WAS THE MOST AWESOME EXPERIENCE I HAVE EVER HAD. We had to dress up for it because it was a costume concert. She went as a sexy army girl and i went as Edward Cullen. Two bands played before the boys. Priscilla Renea and a MJ tribute band called Who's Bad....then it was the wonderfullness known as the Backstreet Boys. I am so excited that they are touring again. Well after the concert we headed back. We got back to columbus around 6am after stopping twice to nap and getting pulled over in SC for going 19 over (we got a warning was all...nice Police officer). Now it is back to reality and normality and auditions in like four or five hours.....AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! So must go finish preparing and hope everyone has a wonderful day!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Crazy For You

Why!? Why won't you just open up to me why won't you just talk to me. Don't be scared of me...what happened that night was out of character for me i still question what was going on in my head...and now you are scared to hang out with me alone....i like you so much you couldn't possibly know and you have me dangling by a string. I would bend over backwards. I just want to embrace you for hours and talk like we used to...but nope no more. You have become harder to read, you won't open up. I wish you would try again but no you won't, you are too scared and i am to worried to confront you about it because i don't know what to say. You are cute but disagree with me...i want to give up on you but i can't seem to. I just wish you understood...but you don't. I am crazy for you Michael.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

There's a Fine Fine Line

So i don't understand day they are head over heels for you the next they get scared and just want to be friends why is that? Well to tell you the truth it is getting to be really old really fast in my life...i am finding more guys to be scared to be with me because i am too nice to people....i am really confused don't people want to be with someone who is always gonna be there for them, to be polite to them, be able to have a good time with them, and feel safe with them....well someboys are just strange i guess but i am always getting dumped because i "am too good for them" HELLO I DON'T CARE i want to be with you. it doesn't matter if you have done bad things in your past, or have a really bad home life....i like you it shouldn't matter should it...i like you for who you are now and someone i think you should be should have been or need to be....i like you for please quit being dumb.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Things Are Looking Up

So tonight i had a night out with my you all (Robin, Janine, and Jennifer). After the shittiest week which got progressively worse everyday I just needed it! I am so glad i did too. I feel so much better about my life. Earlier today Hannah Montana came on my shuffle and Nobody's Perfect just spoke numbers to me. I realized that every one has bad days, weeks, etc and that i needed to look on the bright side. Well as most of you can see relationship wise lately my life has been the pits, utter failure. Anyhoo....tonight the honest to god love of my life messaged me to tell me they loved me and to keep my chin up....everything that happened earlier this week no seems superfluous...i still have a future with someone and can wait and should wait for them since all i have found since that person has been disappointment and unsatisfiedness. But life is looking up so those who have been there for me this week in any way shape or form i adore you all soooo much and am so greatful to you for keeping me from doing insane things this week. I love you guys so much. If i didn't have friends like you who knows what i would have done this week. But it is over now and tomorrow is a new day and in the words of Hannah Montana......Nobody's Perfect.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

On My Own

well people my suspiscions were correct....i was being toyed with. I am now alone and HE got the prize..once more. Why can't i win. IS it so wrong that i want a nice sweet guy who trusts me makes me feel good, and at the same time likes me for me. I am tired of waiting. everytime i think i have found it i get left and hurt. It isn't fair especially when the person goes to someone i know. I can't stand it. FUCK LOVE! FUCK LIKE! FUCK RELATIONSHIPS! I am done.

Friday, September 25, 2009

You Can't Win

So i thought the weekend might bring me some uplifted spirts.....wishes don't come true apparently. Once again i am compeating with another guy for one guys affection. Well i hope he realizes that the other guy is a slut...and toys with guys emotions and then will be in depression for months and months when you break up with him. I on the other hand am sweet and sencere and loyal...and if worse come to worse and we do break up i tried to still maintain some sort of friendship. Well maybe the two of you are meant for eachother since you have been toying with me for the past few days making me feel great when all else goes wrong well today It is your fault things went wrong in my day....and i would love to drown my sorrows in alcohol tonight at the party i was invited to but i don't think i will cause you are going with him and I feel rejected...and honestly sickened to see you with i guess i will just stay at home tonight and do nothing...
Yes i am angry but hopefully you will prove me wrong...i don't know though. :'(

Thursday, September 24, 2009

The World has Gone Insane

So i am really sad today because i was looking foreward to having a non-shit filled week....well my hopes slowly dropped from high on almost invisible today. Monday was fantastic and put me in a great mood...tuesday rolled around and i couldn't find my dorm keys at the end of the day....still not horrible....Ryan was there. Wednesday came. Not only were my keys still bike has been stolen too i believe. It wasn't in the bikeroom yesterday or today. Now on top of everything my phone is lost or stolen i will go with the latter cause it was on and fully charged the last time i saw it and that was almost 2hrs ago when i was at lunch after just charging it. I wanna cry right now. I am now to 3 weeks of complete agony and misery.....can't i be happy for just like a few days more than i get dealt out?

A Step Too Far

Nice...what is nice? I am constantly being told i am a GENUINeLY nice person...i have come to pride myself in that. I have deep consideration and concern for others. I am really sympathetic if you know me really well. If you do know me well....i listen well and give great hugs and try to make things better. Well lately i have encountered some situations where my NICENESS has gotten on my nerves. I try to be positive and kind but deep down i want to say SCREW IT! the past two and a half weeks have been shit. Only just this week have they started getting better...thanks Ryan. But the past two weeks have been filled with both personal failures, broken relationships, lonelyness, etc. Well while i am the genuinely nice guy, i tend to bottle my emotions. Well, yesterday that emotional bottle POPPED. I usually don't ventto anyone but my besties Ally and Emily....niether were availiable. GRRR i was so mad at things going on that i was shaking and coould feel my heart beat in my ears. I NEEDED TO TALK TO SOMEONE!!!!!!!!!!! so i was going through my phone and called my beloved Megan. She was just the voice i needed and she didn't even give me advice or tell me what to do she just listened and i felt so much better. However, things started to go down hill again cause the continuing problems from the weeks before were coming back into focus in rehearsal and roomate situations. And to be the cherry on top of the ice cream sundae of i found my bike to be missing and my keys to my dorm missing...and while Ryan has been keeping me busy (not like that) he is still getting over his ex so i have to be careful not to scare him off.....I REALLY LIKE HIM PEOPLE....He is so sweet and cuddly and makes me want to do things that i usually dis regard like clean my room...shocking right for those who know me. I think deep down he does like me but because of the given situation he is trying to conceal it....i mean he might think i wouldn't like being rebound boy....I LIKE YOU COME ON AND DATE ME!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Forget About the Boy

so world it has come to this I am torn between two people neither of which are still relationally attached to me. Both have been one just up until last night. And once until some point this summer. I don't wanna lose contact with the one from this summer because he a really sweet and awesome person and i adore him still more than i should which makes it hard for me to fully connect with the new person. But the new person was a rushed into thing and i know that but what ticks me off is he is the one who said we should and now he wants to back out and i don't think that is fair to me that he waits it out three weeks and says we should develop a friendship first. Now the problem is do i start dating other people while developing this friendship or do I just wait it out. God it is time like these i wish i just stay single and a bachelor all my life because I always get attached and then people either want more or i get too attached and scare them off. Relationships have become a whirlwind of disappointment for me. If anyone out there has any advice for me please give it to me I am on my last try at this dating thing....HELP!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Saturday Night in the City

So last night was amazing...well lets actually start with Friday night....Nick Joseph party......12 freshmen came with me i made tons of new friends at the party five of which i have been hanging out with all weekend.....Griffin, Ashley, Kelly, Corey and Michael (Michael i just met yesterday). Anyhoo. It was fun and crazy night. Then last night Ashley, Griffin, Kelly, and Michael and i went to see the final night of Rocky Horror. We got all dressed up for it too. It was so much fun. I love Rocky Horror Show. But now it is back to the world of college and homework....UGH basic design is the bane of existance. Acting 1 Autobiography isn't much better.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

What Is This Feeling

Ok as most of you who know me know....people do not get under my skin on a regular basis and i usually do not talk about individuals on my blog but today i am just pissed off with one person. MY ROOMMATE! He is the biggest diva ever not at what he that would be he is a diva in every day life. He is the most inconsiderate person i have ever encountered thus far. I was pushed over the edge moments ago when he comes into our room where i am obviously taking a nap...talking loudly on his cell phone to his mom and instaed of levaing his shit there and going out into the living room he decides to curl up in his bed and continue talking to her right there. And once their conversation was over i thought ok good he will be quiet now...hell no he wasn't....he proceeded to call his boyfriend. UGH I AM LIVID so instaed of napping for another 15 mins i got up to blog about it so i wouldn't kill or yell at him cause it isn't in my nature, but one more incident and i will.....i mean two nights ago when i was in the room for hours listening to music before he got there and he expected me to get up and leave the room or turn my music down so he could talk on the phone there instead of just getting his lazy ass off the bed to go sit in the living room so he could talk on the phone...oh and if the moving wasn't bad enough he had to accentuate the fact he was being made to move when he didn't want to by slamming the bedroom door and pouting.....I will make it through this year but i think i made the worse mistake when i chose to room with him this will not happen again!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Back to School

So it is that time of the year again who knew it would come so soon....

Well an update. I have finished my first summer at All Stars Academy and am now a staff member who is on hand there for until i decide to quit lol. I will be working there when ever i am home for multiple weeks at a time to make money...yay! So i will be back at Christmas time and next summer again.

The bittersweet part of my summer has come and gone. Snoopy ended :(/:D NEw friends will be missed but those who are still in high school i will see all of your glorious faces at Thes Con '10 so all is well. The show ended with a kick ass final week full of scraeming fans and wonderful evenings. So we ended with a huge bang.

Now though due to high stress levels and no relaxation all summer i am very glad not to be working on any of the first shows at CSU this year....whew! I plan to relax and spend time with friends that i have missed all summer long! I am so ready to hit the road and be back in C-town! And thank god for my bestie having a new apartment warming party on Monday cause now i don't have to wait for move in to see their smiling faces. Move in thursday as well as Rocky Horror that night, un pack friday and convo that night and then groceries and other stuff saturday and woodstock party that night.....first weekend back is packed...what is new lol!

Time to hit the road and get ready for a fun filled joy ride of a yewar! Wahooo!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Grrrrrr! People irk me! I don't understand why some people lead other people on...don't get me wrong i know i am bad at it myself, but if you talk to someone as if you like them and i mean really like them, and then suddenly stop texting them or responding to messages else where for no verbaly stated reason it is very degrading and disheartening.

PEOPLE! If you are tired of someone keeping in constant contact with them tell them to back off a little do not just stopp responding...that is rude in itself. I am talking to one person and if they read this they know who they are....

(getting off my soapbox now)

Saturday, July 25, 2009

The Big Bow Wow

Wow what a week it has been! Our shows have been very interesting all week at Snoopy. We started out really rough this week with a less than desirable flop of a first night back. The acting and dancing was good but the songs were pitiful.....grrr. Well on top of that our Snoopy has contracted a kidney stone so with a one day notice one of male ensemble members had to become Snoopy on Friday night.....(he is our only male ensemble meber this week! AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!)

It was one of our best shows...definently the funniest! We were having a rolicking good time backstage! Lines were twisted and flopped but it made for great shtick! And i had my best night vocally! Yes Thanks Jerry!

Well tonight our normal Snoopy was back...still hasnt passed the kidney stone...and he went on and gave a kick ass performance while in uber amounts of pain! God bless you kid! I couldnt ask for a better pet lol! It was once again a quite successful night.....tomorrow should be interesting. I CANT WAIT!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Here I Go Again

So life has been rocky the past month or so. I hate being home. I want to be back at school. I never have time to myself anymore. And i hardly get to see my friends. Someof this has to do with the parentals but work and Snoopy have consumed my life. Don't get me wrong i am enjoying what i do...but lately i have been asking my self if it is really worth the burned out ness i am living.

On top of that i am taking a break with said guy....i miss him uberly...and he misses me too...but the lack of physicallity was getting to day we will manage to be together we both feel it. I know i sound cheesy and love strung...but something about him is unlike anything i have ever experience and i have to keep the hope there to get by without him.

Tonight was interesting though i hung out with my former rommie...adore him....but we almost got jumped tonight at our local shopping mall.....SCARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we were just walking when these three uberly scketch guys came from nowhere and started following us but not in a normal fashion...they were like jumping behind things when we would glance behind us. so we hid inside William Sonoma for a good ten minutes and the coast was clear so we went to the book store. We weren't there for more than ten minutes when the same three guys started to slowly circle the aisle we were on .....Jordan said he knew one of the guys and that guy murmmered something bashing homosexuals...jordan knew it would be bad if we stayed so we went to starbucks which was our final escape we had to make cause they finally disappeared.....but they were so scketch and i have never feared for my life so much!!!!!

Another plus to my life was finally seeing Harry Potter last night. Great movie....i might give it a review later this week.

sorry to sound bummed but life sucks right now.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Nice Work If You Can Get It

So I am now employed!!!!!! Yay! I am a summer camp teacher at a a day care in Newnan...yay All Stars Academy! I have only worked three days...this week will be my first full week....(insert excitement and nerves here.) Last week was my like training period so i didn't hev the kids by myself...this week i think i will. I am already in love with my group of kids....however high strung they can be at times...individually they are very sweet! Plus I already have a fave....he is adorable and attached himself to me from day one an d he is the nicest kid ever.

In addition to work I am also working on Snoopy! Which it is going really well...i am slightly behind everyone else in lines and solos but by the end of this week i hope to have caught up. I love the show. Our directors are great and the cast is superb. I am working with great people and we really mesh well! I can't wait till we open this show is going to kick butt!

aside from all that the downside is I want to leave home so bad. I am on edge with my parents about every little thing while i have done a few things to get under their skin I feel they are still traeting me like a child.....HELLO! I TURN TWENTY IN FIVE MONTHS AS OF TOMORROW!!!!! I FOR SURE AM NOT A CHILD!!!!! BACK OFF!!!!!!
I also am missing columbus and my college friends i plan on hanging out with a few in the next few weeks though so it might take my mind off the missing.

Well that is a brief update...if you read this and i know you...just wanna say i miss you oodles and think you should call or text me soon cause i am bored stiff at home!


Thursday, May 28, 2009

Stranger in this World

So I have met this really amazing guy, he is absolutly fantastic....we are almost the same person except for two factors...we look nothing alike and he is BRITISH! Like he lives there and everything! He is a triple threat by theatre standards and he works as an assistant dance instructor. He is the most adorable guy you could get to know. And he is a generally sweet guy who makes sure you feel great about yourself... lol. I hope one day to meet him in person cause he is really awesome and has become a great friend thus far!

Craig you are fantastically amazing!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Being Alive

So today was kinda chill. I went to class, had lunch, and went to class again. Now i am here at the computer again.

Ironically all of my friends have been uber poetic lately on their blogs so i thought i should be too. But sadly as i sit here and try to be poetic and inspirational in my thoughts, they just won't all.

Life is good...except i scared the crap out of my mom unintentionally last night. so as you all know i am in Snoopy the musical...well...i had rehearsal last night back home so i had to drive from Columbus to Fairburn (not actually home but within 30 miles). It is about an hour and fifteen minute drive and because of traffic it was about an hour and a half drive to get there. Well coming 9PM mind you....there was a little traffic till i got to I-185....then it dies after like 9 and there is no one on 185. So the traffic once again added fifteen minutes to my travel time which is usually about an hour and fifteen, but since there was virually no one but me on 185 i decided to drive about 50 miles per hour down the conserve gas. Well I blare my music and apparently my mom tried to call me around 10:40 to see where i was and why i wasn't back so of course i didn't answer. So i finally pull in to the parking deck at 11....i left at 9....2 hours later...I call mom back dad picks up and i tell him i am back in C-Town so he then says mom wants to talk to you. CRAP! She picks up whimpering and sobbing..."Where have you been are you ok i was so worried I thought you were dead!"...had to calm her down then i got pissed off cause she was like if you were gonna be late you should have called...i call every time i leave to head home people...and she hates when i talk on my cell phone when i drive...never thought she would have a panic attack for me being thirty minutes late from rehearsal when I was trying to be a safe and responsible driver.


Well now that i have bored you with my ordeals of last night I am gonna sign of until later!

Bye everyone!


Monday, May 18, 2009

Back To School

So today was the first day back to classes for Maymester at CSU. I was up at 8 had class from 9 to what was supposed to be 12:20.....AHHHHHHHH!!!! But luckily we got done with today's work in like an hour so i got out at about 10:15....Woot! I think i am going to enjoy Computer tech for the theatre....i mean i already love our professor but the class seems really fun too!

Right now i am in between Comp Tech and Bibb City theatre history.....and if mom is reading two of my books have arrived....

I am however really nervous about my first rehearsal for Snoopy! tonight. Mostly about all the late night driving i have to do....i have really bad night vision...hope i don't hit*whimper* I am also however really and uberly excited about having my first rehearsal tonight I can finally see how GREAT everyone sounds singing....hopefully GREAT...jk we all are fantastic...i know it!

Well hopefully I am getting back into the swing of blogging more regularly so as not to make people think i have fallen off the face of the earth....if anyone besides my close friends follow my blog....i doubt there is anyone else, but if there is...I APOLOGIZE!

Well bye for now


Saturday, May 16, 2009

The World According To Snoopy!

So hey guys it has been a while since i posted last, almost five months i think....gah! Welll life this past semester at college has both been joyous and uber stressfull at the same time. I had the honor of getting cast in two productions: one, my friends freestage Breakfast for Three, and two, the one act Oh Dad, Poor Dad, Momma's Hung You in the Closet and I'm Feelin' so Sad. They were both two of the greatest experiences i have had this year at CSU. Now i am working on my freestage for next year and if you read this and are at CSU pleasee come audition!

This has also been a rough semester for those of us at CSU. Between having your dorms pelted with tornadoes for numerous weekends too losing a person really dear to you it was a long final two months.

But every dark cloud has a silver lineing because durning the last week of classes i auditioned for a show back home and got cast in a leading first leading role. I auditioned for a small community theatre production of Snoopy! the Musical and i got cast as Charlie Brown. While Snoopy is the star i am right behind him. I even have my own solo where i am alone on stage....nervous...yes i am...but excited too. I am also excited about this cast. While i have worked with most of them before, we have many new comers to this community theatre. In fact other than three of us in the main cast the others are all new to Southside. And they are uber awesome and nice people. Our ensemble though i haven't heard them sing or seen them dance yet i know are gonna be great and might possibly steal the show at times. So once again if you know me and are reading this come see it cause it is going to be a fantastic show......and if you get in good with me there might be a comp ticket in it for!

I am also uber excited about SUMMER! I get to go to Miami in three weeks! I haven't been to the beach in what feels like two years. It will be nice just to chill with my family for a week without having to worry about school or work.....yes i will be working this summer....grrrrr....but money is a great plus side to it! But i am really excited cause my parents are goin to drive us down to the Keys for a day...maybe can beg and plead!

Well there is alot more i could say but i am pressed for time so i love you guys and hope...if you are out are having a great summer thus far.....or if you are like me have three more weeks......when summer comes you have a great one!

Bye for now


Friday, January 16, 2009

Happy New Year

Well folks it is a new year and a new semester. I am excited because this semester is going to be full of new experiences starting with classes...Stage Make-Up, Class Voice, World History, English, Natural Disaters, Intro to Cultural Diversity, and then I am also working in the Box Office for theatre Practice hours!
back home!

Christmas break was way too long for my taste i missed my friends from college but enjoyed the time i had with my friends back home.Luckily i got to go and visit somew of m y college buds i n Augusta. A Crazy Night of Apples to Apples and good food and Spud Guns! I wouldn't trade my friends for anything!

I got back to school about three days early because i had a required meeting in my department the Friday before classes started. So now i am back at school and having a ball! Our first show of the season opens tomorrow and it is going to be fantastic!

Well that is all for now people! TTYL!