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Wednesday, August 19, 2009

What Is This Feeling

Ok as most of you who know me know....people do not get under my skin on a regular basis and i usually do not talk about individuals on my blog but today i am just pissed off with one person. MY ROOMMATE! He is the biggest diva ever not at what he that would be he is a diva in every day life. He is the most inconsiderate person i have ever encountered thus far. I was pushed over the edge moments ago when he comes into our room where i am obviously taking a nap...talking loudly on his cell phone to his mom and instaed of levaing his shit there and going out into the living room he decides to curl up in his bed and continue talking to her right there. And once their conversation was over i thought ok good he will be quiet now...hell no he wasn't....he proceeded to call his boyfriend. UGH I AM LIVID so instaed of napping for another 15 mins i got up to blog about it so i wouldn't kill or yell at him cause it isn't in my nature, but one more incident and i will.....i mean two nights ago when i was in the room for hours listening to music before he got there and he expected me to get up and leave the room or turn my music down so he could talk on the phone there instead of just getting his lazy ass off the bed to go sit in the living room so he could talk on the phone...oh and if the moving wasn't bad enough he had to accentuate the fact he was being made to move when he didn't want to by slamming the bedroom door and pouting.....I will make it through this year but i think i made the worse mistake when i chose to room with him this will not happen again!

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