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Saturday, August 8, 2009

Back to School

So it is that time of the year again who knew it would come so soon....

Well an update. I have finished my first summer at All Stars Academy and am now a staff member who is on hand there for until i decide to quit lol. I will be working there when ever i am home for multiple weeks at a time to make money...yay! So i will be back at Christmas time and next summer again.

The bittersweet part of my summer has come and gone. Snoopy ended :(/:D NEw friends will be missed but those who are still in high school i will see all of your glorious faces at Thes Con '10 so all is well. The show ended with a kick ass final week full of scraeming fans and wonderful evenings. So we ended with a huge bang.

Now though due to high stress levels and no relaxation all summer i am very glad not to be working on any of the first shows at CSU this year....whew! I plan to relax and spend time with friends that i have missed all summer long! I am so ready to hit the road and be back in C-town! And thank god for my bestie having a new apartment warming party on Monday cause now i don't have to wait for move in to see their smiling faces. Move in thursday as well as Rocky Horror that night, un pack friday and convo that night and then groceries and other stuff saturday and woodstock party that night.....first weekend back is packed...what is new lol!

Time to hit the road and get ready for a fun filled joy ride of a yewar! Wahooo!

1 comment:

Unknown said...