Have you ever pulled out pictures of yourself from when you were like two? Have you ever looked at it an been like...WOW I haven't changed that much...or Wow How could people not tell how i was going to turn out? Well this happened to me. I looked at the picture above, and was like wow i just got bigger really. It is crazy to think about what all i have been through just to end up a taller skinnier version of how i was at age 1...oh and smarter.
It was just a strange feeling. Plus i realized i miss my old house more than i thought. I have so many more memories of happiness there than in our new home...life went down hill.
Things i miss:
Loads of friends to play with
A tree to Climb
Woods to explore
a swing set
a real fire place
the Cul-De-Sac
A BIG window by my bed
My own closet
a window over the sink where i could yell out at dad when he was doing yard work
The light pole in our front yard
The endless amount of flowers
Block Parties
Hide and seek for hours
building forts
riding bikes
drawing with chalk
Even the time out chair
the banisters between the dinning room and living room
the big window in mom and dad's room where Precious and Shadow used to sunbathe
wheelbarrow rides by dad or grandpa
planting and poping the forget me nots by the side walk or all the yellowbells
watching birds eat at the bird feeder on the dog wood out back
helping dad paint the shed
helping him build the shed
going in and around the shed
helping and playing in the veggie garden
So many memories
I could go on all day
I miss it and being a kid